Every place, every site has a special energy which the expert recognizes and uses to the inhabitants’ advantage, by the application of the ancient art of Feng Shui. This knowledge comes from more than 3000 years of observation of the principles of Yin and Yang, which include the ties between Heaven and Earth, between persons and their homes, between Beginning and End.
The analysis of a site according to the ancient art of Feng Shui is based on the detection of an amount of information obtained by the geomantic compass (Chinese compass with eight main directions), and on the energy balance depending on site/home location, planimetry shape, colors and materials used for the building and for furniture.
On the basis of this analysis a series of actions, according to Feng Shui, are suggested in order to compensate any imbalances and to improve the quality of life in the considered site.
Specific procedures are used in order to array colors in the space according to precise criteria, as well as to choose different kinds of materials and shapes according to the directions shown by the Chinese compass.
To complete this work it is possible to apply some kind of analysis of the subsurface along with specific astronomical calculations, as geomancers did in ancient China.
official methods of reference:
S. Skinner -Manuale di Fenghsui, ed. Astrolabio
S. Rossbach-Fengshui for Modern Living, ed. Nolan
S. Brown-Guida pratica al Fengshui, ed.Vallardi