Creating positive energy in our homes: the entrance Qi – part one

Creating positive energy in our homes: in a well-guarded house the entrance Qi is quite important! Feng Shui suggests to place a Guardian of the Threshold, not too visible but not too hidden. It can be a martial arts sword, the image of a guardian of the temple master, a statuette of a dog

the entrance Qi
Door Guardian – Ph. by Gitte57 from Pixabay

At the entrance to our home supervising Qi is useful and important, but we must first analyze it in greater detail according to some basic criteria of Feng Shui.

First we must notice that if we consider a block of flats, besides each entrance door we have also a common main building entrance downstairs; while in the case of a house entrance, we often find a gate before reaching the main door.

In both cases the first entrance has a major relevance, but if your are the owner of a house you can create it and manage it at will, while if you are the owner of a single flat in a building, there is little possibility of intervention for you.

the entrance Qi
Access through a garden – Ph. by Сергей Корчанов from Pixabay

The drection of the Entrance Qi, according to Chinese Compass, is the first assessment to be done. The second is the running of Qi from the first entrance to the second one. The third evaluation is about the direction of the second entrance. Given such complexity, a specialized analysis is therefore required;  just because  the Qi that circulates in a house depends precisely on the entrance Qi , both for quality and quantity.

Traditionally favorable directions for  the entrance are southeast and east. Entrances facing north, northwest and northeast are unpropitious, as well as south. Entrances facing west and southwest, while not being worth as much as East, can be considered quite favorable.

the entrance Qi
Chinese Compass – By Pcae18 at the English Wikipedia, CC BY-SA 3.0, by Commons Wikipedia

The complexity is, however,  depending on the different assessments to be done on the path of the Qi coming to the first entrance as well as to the second one.
In fact, even with a very favorable exposure, screens and obstacles may  reduce or deplete Qi, until heavily influencing the internal circulation of it.
Conversely, a not much propitious but well conducted Qi, for example in a natural environment, can become a better source of energy compared to a favorable Qi (southeast orientation) which is, nevertheless, damaged by obstacles, such as a high building opposite the entrance of a lower condominium

the entrance Qi
Buildings with different height – Ph. by Jürgen Polle from Pixabay

Another aspect to consider is what is facing a front door: if we find ourselves on a landing of a condominium it is likely that in front of us there is either a wall or another door. A front interaction with a neighbor (angle of 180°) is more risky than a side interaction(angle of 90°). Also the 0° angle can be critical because of the energy interpherences from the inhabitants coming in and out.


the entrance Qi
Landing with side by side doors – Ph. by Paolo Trabattoni from Pixabay

The same problem may also occur in the entrance of an apartment building or a single house facing different types of buildings, but also green areas, that may affect more or less favorably the flow of Qi coming to the analyzed site .
According to traditional Feng Shui the facade of a house facing a church or cemetery is not propitious, but also the presence of a crossroads near the house entrance can play a negative role.

the entrance Qi
House facing a cemetery – Ph. by Enrique Meseguer by Pixabay

This brief review shows that there are several factors that influence the entrance of a house and then the incoming Qi, which is the key to ta Feng Shuianalysis and interpretation of any site. Therefore it is always advisable not to limit a Feng Shui study to the drawing of the Ba Gua of a house and simply identifying the direction of the compass where the entrance is located. We have to carefully analyze all the areas around the entrance and study the quality and quantity of Qi that circulates in it.

In the next article we will evaluate how to run the Qi in the hall of a house, which is the first point of transformation from external to internal Qi.