Creating positive energy in our homes: the entrance Qi – part two

Creating positive energy in our homes: the entrance Qi – part two: the Qi turns into inner Qi just after passing through the entrance door. Depending on the typology of a house, after the door you may find different kinds of rooms affecting its transformation.

In the first part of the previous article (Creating positive energy in our homes: the entrance Qi), several different typologies and patterns in the Qi movement from outside to inside have been shown.

Now we are going to see what happens as soon as the Qi crosses the house’s threshold: there are three main types of rooms which follow the door entrance: entrance, corridor and open space.

According to Feng Shui the ideal thing would be to have a space to control the Qi before it moves on towards the other rooms. So, a large entrance (a wide quadrangular-shaped space) meets all these requirements because it works as a sounding board, allowing to drive the Qi, as well as to put in furnishings suitable to manage and transform it.

Entrance Qi
Example of wide entrance – Ph. by Michael Pointner from Pixabay

In the example you can notice the arched accesses to the left rooms, which enable a more harmonious and appreciable Qi flow, and the correct positioning of the stairs in direction opposite to the flow itself, so as to avoid it to be immediately sucked upwards.

Often, instead of a wide entrance, you can find a corridor, which unfortunately quickly drives the Qi to a specific direction.

Entrance Qi
Example of corridor – Ph. by Anna Lisa from Pixabay

In that case you should try to slow up the Qi and deviate it to the desired directions, besides considering carefully the final arrival point at the end of the corridor. Carpets or fitted-carpets, as well as some furnishing elements, could be the ideal solution for that purpose, if the corridor is wide enough. However, if the end of the corridor is clearly visible from the door entrance, you should carefully choose the final point, which must always be a pleasant view. The presence of a room at the end of the corridor is not advisable, but in that case you should keep it close and hidden.

Entrance Qi
Example of corridor with a Sha Qi -Ph. by Pexels by Pixabay

In this example the corridor leads directly to a room, with a table in full sight: if it were aligned with the door entrance, this arrangement would be very harmful.

In the end let’s consider the case, very common by now, of an open-space just after the entrance door: the growing necessity for living in small spaces has led to a more and more rational way to rearrange the plan of an apartment. Although this could be sometimes an appreciable and necessary step, if the size of the house or apartment does not justify such an arrangement, an abrupt coming of the Qi into the house space could be detrimental.

Entrance Qi
Kitchen in open space with a too much closer door opening – Ph. by justinedgecreative by Pixabay

In conclusion, it is warmly advisable to pay the most careful attention to the planning of the space which follows just after the entrance door, because often it strongly affects the managing and driving of the Qi all over the house or apartment.