Scelta e disposizione delle piante Feng Shui nelle case nel periodo di maggio secondo l’Astrologia e la Bussola Cinese. Il ciclo stagionale nel periodo di maggio attraversa un periodo estremamente importante per la crescita dell’energia solare,  preparandosi al raggiungimento del suo apice al solstizio di giugno. Tale periodo è scandito dal calendario celtico che riconosce come momenti-chiave le date dei…

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The constellation of the Great Bear or Big Dipper plays a role of great importance in Western and Eastern esoteric traditions, as does the figure of the Dragon. In this article we see how Dragons and Stars are also present on the magic mount Musinè, the mountain located at the mouth of the Susa valley, in front of the Sacra…

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Michael’s Line in England: from Cornwall to Norfolk the alignment of sacred sites through the religious history looked at from the perspective between the energies of Heaven and Earth, in continuity with the northwest-southeast line from Ireland to Israel. As we have seen in the article on the most famous Michael’s Line, the one that goes from Skelling to Armageddon,…

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Tirtha: the crossing points

Some places are more sacred than others, and this is what makes them a node in the paths of pilgrimages. In India they are called “tirtha”, which means ford or crossing. How does Fengshui interpret them?   A place of power is one in which you can “go through”, that is, pass from ordinary reality to other dimensions. A “tirtha”…

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The three energy plans of Feng Shui

The three energy plans of Feng Shui: the ancient thought and the loss of a global vision As already explained in previous articles and in the book The Red Thread of Feng Shui, in ancient China as well as in the rest of the planet, civilizations had in their early days an approach to the surrounding world that we would…

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Telluric energies

The physical and metaphysical value of telluric energies is analyzed in details starting from natural and geographic components, up to  spiritual connections and their role in cosmic equilibrium: the example of Saint Michael’s synchronic lines.   The earth’s crust is composed by numerous very complex layers, often discontinuous, due to more or less extensive geological fractures, which are sometimes occupied…

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The center of the house with Feng Shui

The center of the house with Feng Shui: how to furnish the area of the house corresponding to the center of the Chinese Compass (Ba Gua), fundamental point for the circulation of Qi energy.   We have seen in some previous articles how to solve the problem of the center of gravity when the shape of the house or apartment…

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Saint Michael’s line

Saint Michael’s line : history of the spirit and alignments between heaven and earth with a magical vision in time and space.     After the last frames of Star Wars episode 7, even the esoteric alignment that for hundreds of years had been attracting more or less restricted  circles of “adepts”, has been revealed to the general public, or,…

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Fractals and Feng Shui

Fractals and Feng Shui is an article thought to be a bridge between modern mathematics and Feng Shui through philosophy, science and esoterism, with some practical applications in furnishings.   Fractals and Feng Shui is inspired by some readings, in particular 432Hertz music revolution by Riccardo T.Tuis and Fractal Geometry of Nature by Mara Massarucci. Some passages including a clear understanding about…

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Earth Magnetic Field and Feng Shui: The Importance of Geobiological Measurement to Fully Apply Feng Shui and its Environmental Balancing Criteria.   Recently, in the instrument kit used for geobiological analyses and Feng Shui, a high-precision geomagnetometer, built in the USA, is now available with the IDR-321 model. It allows you to measure the background value of the magnetic field…

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